Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Musing 3/28/11

Good morning!

Yesterday was actually a very good morning and I am not too keen on mornings in general!  Especially when I am tired and want to stay snuggled up in bed! Our church had a 35th anniversary celebration with a special service and meal together after-wards.  It was a fun day and I came back with two empty dishes so I must have finally figured out what to bring!

My guest post has not gotten up and we'll blame technical issues.  Hopefully it will get up this week.  I had some time to blog while the little one slept so several posts got finished and started.  Looking forward to a new month with a new budget.  Also looking forward to a friend's wedding out of town, so I will be planning some meals to make ahead and leave for the husband while I am away that weekend.

It is funny to me that everybody seems to either be loving the spring weather or hating the last spring snows that other parts of the country are getting.  I think I would rather have the snow than all the bugs this warm weather has caused to appear in my house!  I just have to be different!  Seriously after a bumble bee was crawling on my bathroom floor one morning after I had just killed the first carpenter ant of the season the day before, give me cold weather please.  

The warm weather did provide me an opportunity to do some spray-painting.  I purchased several shelves at a Goodwill store in Houston, TX awhile back and needed to paint them to match each other.  One was brown, one was white and another was blue.  The blue one will probably be painted red and I don't have the red paint yet so that one got put off again.  The other two have the same design but were different sizes and colors.  Now they are both black and will go so much better together.  Provided of course that the pollen did not stick to the paint...

Hope you had a good weekend and are looking forward to the start of a new week and a new month.  Lots of possibilities out there and I am anxious to see what is in store for us!

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