Monday, February 28, 2011


Cheese should be un-pasteurized or "raw" milk, from grass-fed cows, and full fat.  Raw milk is illegal to sell in Louisiana but raw milk cheeses that have been aged more than 45 days are legal for now.  Since I do not have access to raw milk (and do not drink it anyway due to allergies) I put importance on buying higher quality cheese.  Here is what I typically buy:

Mozzarella - Not a cheese that is aged so raw is not an option.  Instead I look for full-fat which so far the Great Value brand by Wal-mart is the only I've found.  Therefore, this is a budget friendly compromise I make and use this cheese only for pizzas or lasagnas.  As it does not impart a lot of flavor anyway I can't justify the cost of the premium fresh mozzarella balls though I have purchased them on occasion when they are marked down.

Cheddar - This varies depending on what I am using it for.  To use uncooked I will look for raw milk brands but for cooking I use either lesser quality brands or grass-fed pasteurized brands.  One of my favorite brands of cheese (and butter) is Kerrygold because it is grass-fed but unfortunately not raw. Our Sam's Club recently began carrying two types of their cheeses and their butter so I am enjoying their Ballyshannon.

ParmesanBelgioioso brand is raw (some types of their cheeses are not so check) and I love their cheeses including asiago.  I am able to find their brand at several stores, including Super 1, Kroger's, and Sam's Club.

I intend to add to this list as I buy cheese in the future but these are the main types I buy.

Note: To determine if a cheese is made from raw milk the packaging should not say pasteurized anywhere.  Then you may assume it is raw but it doesn't hurt to contact the company just to check.

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