Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday Musing 2/21/11

Cheeseburger Soup

This has been a really good month for me meal-wise.  We haven't eaten ideally but came in under budget in both our grocery and eating out budget categories.  The freezer has gyro meat for lunches, already cooked steak strips and two containers of enchiladas ready to be heated and eaten.  Of course this is a shorter month and we've been blessed to have been provided with several meals by others.  Still some planning and intentionally making the effort to cook has helped. 

Last year we never stayed under budget because I was exhausted from pregnancy.  Convenience foods replace homemade and eating out became normal.  Right now I still have limited slots of time due to caring for my 4 month old but I have much more energy to get stuff done.  So I am trying new recipes and getting in the habit of making extra for the freezer or later in the week.  Leftovers of foods we love can mean the difference between eating out or staying in.

Trying new recipes resulted in the above picture of a successful cheeseburger soup, which I will share Wednesday.  Both my husband and I enjoyed it.  The soup was not quite like I remember from my childhood but it also did not contain any fake or canned cheese products.  Unfortunately it does have a nice orange color because I ran out of my grass-fed white cheddar and had to substitute some colored cheddar I picked up at the store closer to me.  This is what happens when you're making enchiladas and cheeseburger soup at the same time and forget to save some cheese for the soup!

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